Philips CL514 Ceiling Light SSW RD 36W 40-65-27K Red HV 吊燈

Philips CL514 Ceiling Light SSW RD 36W 40-65-27K Red HV 吊燈

Regular price$820.00
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PHILIPS CL514 CEILING LIGHT SSW RD 36W 40-65-27K RED HV是一款高品質的吊燈,具有多種實用功能,為您提供舒適、方便的照明體驗。

Philips CL514 CEILING LIGHT SSW RD 36W 40-65-27K RED HV 具有 EyeComfort 技術,提供對眼睛友好的照明效果。它通過了嚴格的測試標準,包括閃爍、閃光、眩光、色彩還原和調光效果等,確保符合 EyeComfort 要求。Philips LED 燈泡不僅提供舒適的照明效果,而且在使用壽命內,能夠保持一致的光質、輸出和色彩,持續為您提供優質的照明體驗。

Philips CL514 CEILING LIGHT SSW RD 36W 40-65-27K RED HV 具有光滑易於清潔的材料,讓您輕鬆維護家居整潔。它的安裝也非常簡單,只需將其固定在牆壁或天花板上,插上插頭即可使用。

Philips CL514 CEILING LIGHT SSW RD 36W 40-65-27K RED HV 具有可調光功能,能夠根據您的心情或活動需求,調節燈光的色彩。溫暖的白色適合放鬆,冷靜的白天光適合提高注意力。它還具有易於使用的壁控開關,讓您輕鬆切換不同的燈光顏色。

Philips CL514 CEILING LIGHT SSW RD 36W 40-65-27K RED HV 的設計非常時尚,採用合成材料擴散器和金屬框架,外觀色彩鮮豔,非常適合用於裝飾家居。


Cozy light effect

Create a warm, comforting environment to wind down and relax in.


EyeComfort - light that's easy on the eyes

Poor quality light can cause eye strain. With many of us spending time indoors, it’s more important than ever to properly light your home. Our products meet stringent test criteria including flicker, strobe, glare, color rendition and dimming effects to ensure they meet EyeComfort  requirements. Philips LED bulbs not only deliver comfortable light, but also stay that way for the duration of their lifespan, delivering consistent light quality, output, and color for more than a decade. Switch to light that’s easy on your eyes. Your eyes will thank you.


Easy to clean

Smooth and easy-to-clean materials mean your home always looks attractive from floor to ceiling.


Easy installation

No more hassle in installation. Just fix or hang securely on the wall or ceiling, and plug in, now this luminaire is ready to light on.


Tunable - from warm white to cool daylight

Tunable lighting lets you change the color of light to match your mood or activity. Warm white is ideal for relaxation, cool daylight for invigorating focus.


Tunable with wall switch

An easy-to-use wall switch allows you to shift between different light colors.

Design and finishing

  • Color: Red
  • Material: Synthetics diffuser + metal frame

Product dimensions & weight

  • Height 8.4  cm
  • Length 48.3  cm
  • Width 48.3  cm

Technical specifications

  • Lifetime up to 15,000  hour(s)
  • Diameter 483  mm
  • Total lumen output fixture 2550lm
  • Light color 6000/3000/4000
  • Mains power 220-240V
  • Fixture dimmable Yes
  • LED Yes
  • Built in LED Yes
  • Wattage bulb included 36W
  • IP code IP20
Delivery Policy



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