Govee M1 RGBICW LED Strip Lights | LED 燈帶 (5M 16.4ft)
- Description
- Certificate 證書
- Delivery Policy 送貨條款
Model: H61E1
Govee M1 RGBICW LED 燈條 - 點亮家中任何空間的完美方式! 這些條形燈具有每米 60 個 LED 的超高燈珠密度,是市場上最亮的燈,提供令人驚嘆的光芒,可以照亮任何房間。
RGBIC + White Lighting 技術讓您可以選擇任何顏色或白色陰影,從暖色到冷色,使這些條形燈成為任何場合的理想選擇。 無論您是需要明亮的照明來學習還是需要溫暖的家庭聚會氛圍,這些燈都能滿足您的需求。
通過多個控件,您可以隨時隨地輕鬆調整亮度、顏色和燈光效果。 Govee Home 應用程序可讓您遠程控制燈,這樣即使您出門在外,也可以打開或關閉燈、更改顏色或設置時間表。
群組控制讓您可以連接其他 Govee 燈,從而輕鬆同時控制多個燈。 您可以使用整個家庭照明系統創建一個場景,使其非常適合舉辦特殊活動或派對。
這款多功能應用程序提供 64 種以上的場景模式、音樂模式、DIY 等。 您可以自定義燈光效果以適應您的心情或您想要營造的氛圍。 音樂模式可讓您將燈光與您喜愛的曲調同步,營造出令人驚嘆的視覺效果,讓您的音樂聆聽體驗更上一層樓。
Get ready for a unique set of strip lights with RGBIC lighting and white lighting for the brightest lighting to help you study or host special events with family and friends.
4-in-1 RGBIC+ Technology Better natural tones | Higher lumen brightness | Richer color performance Higher-Density 60 LEDs/m 2x Brightness *When compared to Govee's other strip lights. In terms of color and lumens, our LED strip lights have the most lamp beads on the market. There are 60 LEDs per meter, allowing for a wide range of colors and effects to appear more clearly on your light strip.
Enhanced DIY Color Control
customizable segments
Ultra-smooth animations
moving effects
Personalized color displays
Live a Colorful Life in Every Corner
Enjoy Home Concert Vibes
Integrated mic for lights that dance and flow to the beats.
Music DreamView
Watch in awe as all your Govee lights simultaneously flow to the beats and rhythms of your playlists.
Hands-Free Control
Supports Alexa and Google Assistant voice control via Wi-Fi.
Explore More on Govee Home App
Choose from 200+ preset scene effects for easy elevated ambience. Join our vibrant app community with over 11+ million registered users.
Install with Ease
Clean the wall surface to make it free of dust particles.
Estimate the positions of the control box and the power socket and make sure the strip light is long enough. Tear off the glue on the rear of the control box and stick it to the wall surface.
Please ensure the strip light is firmly connected with the control box.
Tear off the glue on the rear of the strip light andthe connector. Stick the strip light onto the wall surface and press hard to make sure it is glued firmly.
When it is necessary to bend, please try to avoid electronic components like light beads and pads on the strip light,so as not damage the strip light.
Connect the adapter with the control box and plug it into the power socket.
ModelH61E1 Cord Length5m/16.4ft Light ColorRGBIC Beads Density60 LEDs/m ConnectionWi-Fi+Bluetooth Control MethodApp, Control Box, Voice Control Power SupplyAdapter 24VDC 3A Product Guides and User Manual (PDF)
Govee M1 RGBICW LED 燈條 - 點亮家中任何空間的完美方式! 這些條形燈具有每米 60 個 LED 的超高燈珠密度,是市場上最亮的燈,提供令人驚嘆的光芒,可以照亮任何房間。
RGBIC + White Lighting 技術讓您可以選擇任何顏色或白色陰影,從暖色到冷色,使這些條形燈成為任何場合的理想選擇。 無論您是需要明亮的照明來學習還是需要溫暖的家庭聚會氛圍,這些燈都能滿足您的需求。
通過多個控件,您可以隨時隨地輕鬆調整亮度、顏色和燈光效果。 Govee Home 應用程序可讓您遠程控制燈,這樣即使您出門在外,也可以打開或關閉燈、更改顏色或設置時間表。
群組控制讓您可以連接其他 Govee 燈,從而輕鬆同時控制多個燈。 您可以使用整個家庭照明系統創建一個場景,使其非常適合舉辦特殊活動或派對。
這款多功能應用程序提供 64 種以上的場景模式、音樂模式、DIY 等。 您可以自定義燈光效果以適應您的心情或您想要營造的氛圍。 音樂模式可讓您將燈光與您喜愛的曲調同步,營造出令人驚嘆的視覺效果,讓您的音樂聆聽體驗更上一層樓。
Get ready for a unique set of strip lights with RGBIC lighting and white lighting for the brightest lighting to help you study or host special events with family and friends.
- Ultra-High Lamp Bead Density: 60 LEDs per meter
- RGBIC with White Lighting: Improve the brightness in any space.
- Multiple Controls: Control the lights while you are away.
- Group Control: Control other Govee lights simultaneously.
- Versatile App: 64+ scene modes, music mode, DIY, and more.
4-in-1 RGBIC+ Technology Better natural tones | Higher lumen brightness | Richer color performance Higher-Density 60 LEDs/m 2x Brightness *When compared to Govee's other strip lights. In terms of color and lumens, our LED strip lights have the most lamp beads on the market. There are 60 LEDs per meter, allowing for a wide range of colors and effects to appear more clearly on your light strip.
ModelH61E1 Cord Length5m/16.4ft Light ColorRGBIC Beads Density60 LEDs/m ConnectionWi-Fi+Bluetooth Control MethodApp, Control Box, Voice Control Power SupplyAdapter 24VDC 3A Product Guides and User Manual (PDF)
Certificate 證書
Delivery Policy 送貨條款
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